Thursday, August 02, 2012

Notebook Comic #2: "Precious Peach"


marshall p said...

comics about fat girls thinking they're pretty when they're really ugly always make me cranky. why doesn't anybody make a comic about skinny girls who overestimate their level of attractiveness?

Lost Media Archive said...

I like "fat" girls, I do think they're pretty, and I'm actually attracted to them and have had crushes on many. They turn up in my comics again and again.

Over weight people (men and women) are also one of my favorite things to draw (and animate). I'm always overjoyed when people of these body types show up at figure drawing. They're fun and there's a wonderful unique beauty about them. Though I'm sure that probably doesn't come off in this random comic I made up while I was drawing it. It was more just a vehicle in my sketch book for something I love drawing.

My next comic will be about "skinny" women ok?

Lost Media Archive said...

...well, one of them will be anyway.

Lost Media Archive said...

To be fair, this actually wasn't suppose to be commentary on overweight women. They just happen to be my constant characters.

I originally had in mind just a depiction of a tough exterior that internally wants to be loved, but is going about it the wrong way.

I guess you can read whatever you want into it though.