Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Notebook Comic #1: It Dries My Tears...

Notebook Comic #1
I've recently taken up drawing random meaningless comics in notebooks, just to keep me drawing and writing no matter how dumb it is, and also  to re-define what comics are/why they are and how they are designed to myself.  (Inspired by advice from Robert Crumb).

I love that I can draw these and not care about art/design rules, writing rules, publication deadlines, or whether anyone is actually going to read them.  I use notebooks because I get intimidated by professional art/sketch book paper and I can pick up any old used note book in a lost and found or at a thrift store.  I actually like the used papers with writing or homework on them.  I just draw over it.   I also use whatever I have available to draw with. This time is was a pencil and a red sharpy.

I shouldn't have colored the air red, it looks like blood.

If you dislike my notebook comics, it's "ok."  They were not drawn for you to begin with :)

(Above): My theory of mucking around with comics, without rules (or rulers) in a notebook, inspired Riley Thornal to try his hand at writing his very first comic strip.  It is entitled "Sadness."

Quite amazing actually.

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